About Us

I started Wagenswest around 2001, after selling the second narrowed VW bus beam I had built, to pay my rent. I am Nate Curtis, Born In Long Beach CA, I grew up around the custom hot rod and metal shaping culture of Southern California, My father Big Dan Curtis, was an old school car and bike builder, he practiced his craft around people like Big Daddy Roth. At Age 11 I swept floors at ESE, and Ed Roth would show up in his pin striped Honda Civic, with a big gnarly, full size rat fink in the passenger seat. No joke and no surprise, this kind of creativity really made a big impression on me. Shortly After the 1992 LA riots I moved up to Salem , Oregon. Here, I found a beautiful woman and a bunch of old Volkswagen buses that the hippies brought up during the 1960’s and 70’s. What does a boy from SO CAL do with a rusty bus? Answer = slam it and make it go fast. Hope you dig it…


Nate Curtis @ Wagenswest



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