1955-67 Volkswagen Bus Welded Drop Spindles 2.5″,3.5″,4″,5″,6″


How much of a drop?

What year bus ?

Yes I am sending in my stock spindles to be dropped. *

Unfortunately due to the lack of availability of good used core spindles we can no longer sell this part outright, this means if you want a set of these really good dropped spindles you will need to send us a good set of stock core spindles, before we can ship you a set of dropped spindles.

1955-67 Volkswagen Bus Welded Drop Spindles – SERVICE.

Send us your spindles and a copy of your order and we will drop and rebuild them. 

With a 2.5″, 3.5″, 4″, 5″, and 6″ inch drop these are by far the best and hardest to build spindles you can buy for a 1955-67 Volkswagen bus. Built using special jigs, these spindles keep all your stock tie rod geometry while maintaining all the original phenolic pivot bushings.

When we ship these out they are 100% rebuilt with king pins and seals, loaded with grease-zerks ready to install

4″ inch welded drop spindles will fit inside a 14″ inch and bigger wheel. 5″ inch will fit inside a 15″ inch and bigger wheel. 6″ inch will fit inside a 16″ inch and bigger wheel. One more major benefit is that you can install these spindles with stock tie rods and ends so all you need is the spindles!!

3/8 track increase each side


These take 8 -12 weeks, so remember that when ordering! 

Weight 35 lbs
Dimensions 13 × 13 × 13 in
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